Halal encompasses more than just meat, or even the type of meat eaten, although it is the most discussed type of product consumed. For an animal to go from farm to table as halal food, it must have lived a pure life from the very beginning, finishing a cycle of life that is permissible in accordance with Islamic standards.
It must have eaten well, been treated well, and been sacrificed well. It may sound good in theory, but what does this all mean? The kind of treatment and feed an animal receives during its life is important. It should be not be abused, mistreated or caused any pain. It should not be confined to an area where it cannot move or walk normally or get fresh air.
It should be fed clean water and food that is appropriate and absolutely never fed another animal or products that contain the by-products of other animals. As an animal should be treated well during its life, it should also be treated well at the time it is sacrificed for us. The slaughter should never be done in the presence of other animals and the animal should be made comfortable as it is positioned for the sacrifice.
The act of the sacrifice should be done with a sharp object, so as to accelerate the process and reduce the pain suffered by the animal as much as possible. After words, the blood should be completely drained from the animal. It is the blood that carries toxins, germs and bacteria and when left inside the body of the animal, could potentially make people sick. At the very least, it could make the cooked meat quite tough.
An amazing result of cooking and consuming halal meat is a healthy meat in which the resulting texture is tender and the meat delicious. On the flip side of halal is the haram impermissible. The most commonly known haram consumables are alcohol and pork and their by-products , both of which are the cause of numerous health issues.
This is backed by scientific data. Although these two products themselves could constitute their own essay, for purposes of this article they are only briefly mentioned here. Instead of seeing the impermissible as a closed door on food choices, one can embrace an entire world of exciting, delicious and healthy variety of foods.
Islam enjoins us to treat our bodies well as it has a right over us and will testify against us on the Day of Judgment for any injustices we may have caused it during our lifetime. Treating our bodies with wholesome foods free of harmful ingredients — pesticides, toxins, pollutants, filth, etc. Department of State. Participants study journalism and new media, and participate in volunteer and service activities, leadership workshops, and cultural excursions. This post has been removed in accordance with our comment policy.
I disagree with several points written in this text. First of all, I would like to know a little bit more about these scientific papers that show that pork is bad to your health. Pork is the second most consume meat in the world only behind fish. Do you really believe that if it was so bad to our health this meat would still be one of the most consumed in the world?
What about blood contain toxins, bacteria, pesticides…?? Rafael, are you kidding me?! Have you read the scientific evidence behind how unhealthy pork is? Most unhealthy people eat pork.
I have eaten both halal and non halal meat and in my opinion halal meat tastes way better is more tender and indeed stays fresher longer. Mariam, You are right on this answer to Raphael.
May Allah continue to help us,. There are a tonne of videos telling people how bad pig is for u but no one listens bc people love the taste. This is where cancers lie; in pig. They r the dirtiest animal and eat anything, bones, feces, fruit and people if it was in a pail for them. People need to be open and not label not eating pork as a religious thing and do what is best for health and living.
If you have religious reasons for abstaining, by all means do. Peter was one of those people who had a hard time accepting this change. Acts tells of how Peter had a vision from God. Peter objected because they were unclean. So as a Christian, I have absolutely no religious footing to say that we should not eat pork.
I agree with her, shooting. The question of whether religious slaughter is more or less humane than other forms is a matter of debate. Shuja Shafi and Jonathan Arkush, writing in The Guardian , say religious slaughter is as humane as the alternatives, arguing that traditional methods of stunning, using a captive bolt, gas or electricity, only paralyse the animal so it cannot move. Animal health experts and campaigners disagree.
Unlike halal, the Jewish method of slaughter, known as Shechita, cannot involve pre-slaughter stunning at all. According to The Independent , existing European law requires animals to be stunned before they are slaughtered, but grants exemptions on religious grounds.
Both halal and kosher ways of killing are now illegal in the southern region of Flanders, where animals now have to be electronically stunned before they can be killed.
The ban is set be extended to Wallonia in southern Belgium from September, meaning the only place where it will be possible to buy halal or kosher meat will be Brussels, which is home to around , Muslims and 30, Jews. We call on legislators to step back from the brink of the greatest assault on Jewish religious rights in Belgium since the Nazi occupation of the country in World War Two.
The British government has repeatedly resisted pressure from animal welfare groups such as the RSPCA to outlaw halal slaughter without pre-stunning and opposed EU measures that would have required meat to carry labels confirming whether it came from animals that had been stunned before slaughter on the grounds they discriminated against Muslim and Jewish groups.
However, it is as yet unclear how regulations surrounding halal meat will be affected once Britain leaves the EU. In a highly publicised case last year, Lancashire council became the first local authority to ban unstunned halal meat in school dinners. Following an impassioned and at times bitter campaign between council leader Geoff Driver and the local Muslim community, the Conservative-controlled council narrowly voted for the ban. Image source, AP. What is halal meat? Image source, PA.
UK slaughterhouses must be completely halal compliant. How widespread is stunning? Is it different from kosher meat? What are the rules on labelling? Why are retailers and restaurants selling it?
The global halal food and lifestyle industry is estimated to be worth hundreds of billions of dollars. How widespread is halal in the UK? What changes are being suggested? Image source, AFP. AFIC has strict rules with regards to Islamic slaughter. These rules state: The slaughterer must be a sane adult Muslim.
The slaughterer must say the name of God before making the cut. The animal must be killed by cutting the throat with one continuous motion of a sharp knife. The cut must sever at least three of the trachea, oesophagus, and the two blood vessels on either side of the throat.
The spinal cord must not be cut. Animals must be well treated before being killed. Animals must not see other animals being killed. The knife blade must be free of blemishes that might tear the wound. The animal must not be in an uncomfortable position. The animal must be allowed to bleed out and be completely dead before further processing. The argument that halal slaughter is inhumane because animals are allowed to bleed to death is scientifically untrue.