There are a few things you can do to deal with the silent treatment in a relationship. If the silent treatment is such an awful experience, why do we do it in the first place? But the reality is, as much as I wish it were true, human beings are not mind readers.
Even when your partner means well, it pays off to speak up when they say or do something to upset you. We either grow up with parents that yell at the top of their lunges or parents that refuse to address disagreements at all. Neither provides a good foundation for handling conflict in a healthy relationship. The bottom line is the silent treatment is not a healthy coping technique for you or your partner.
That usually makes me pretty angry. I particularly struggle with this when:. When this happens, I do what feels natural and try to take it back: enter the silent treatment. Other times, my silence is merely a way for me to create the space I need to process my feelings. But again, the other person is not a mind reader, so neither reason is truly a healthy way to deal with the situation.
So how can you deal with the silent treatment? A sibling. A grandparent. A friend. Each story that Williams, a psychology professor at Purdue University, told me was more heartbreaking than the one before.
As I listened, the question that lingered most was How could these people do this to those closest to them? The silent treatment goes by many names: shunning, social isolation, stonewalling, ghosting. Although psychologists have nuanced definitions for each term, they are all essentially forms of ostracism.
And the tactic is nothing new. Ancient Greeks expelled for 10 years citizens who were thought to be a threat to democracy, and early American settlers banished people accused of practicing witchcraft.
Religions have frozen out individuals for centuries: Catholics call it excommunication, herem is the highest form of punishment in Judaism, and the Amish practice Meidung. Experts told me that although they need more data to know for certain, instances of the silent treatment have likely increased over the years as new forms of communication have been invented. After which we started talking back over socials and phone but this time no parents knew or anyone, it was just us communicating.
I tried making proper date plans with him but he would either cancel on me or say something came up and I would do so much for the date till I know I simply have to cancel it. If I am not his type then why does he share so much of kids and relationship videos? I found myself all confused. During last week, his last seen on WhatsApp was like a week ago.
I waited till he gets back but I impatiently texted him if he was okay or something go wrong over a normal text not WhatsApp.
I kept asking my friends, is he testing me or am I being too clingy? Why am I treated this way!!! At this point, I cannot sleep, cannot eat, hating the idea of having another guy in life.
I honestly and truly just need and want this guy. He is not totally my type but looking into bigger picture, I could accept each other and the difference and move forward. Well I accept I betrayed her deeply before, but when she forgave me I dedicated myself in the relationship and decided to fully commit to her.
Well she never really forgot what happened and it has been hard, sometimes she had trust issues. Anyway we had a terrible fight on July 5th this year and I did the unspeakable, out of anger I found myself slapping her. But it changed again, she became so mean and would just remind me of all the mistakes and see me as a pretender and a violent man, despite me apologising to her ever since until now.
Recently, my cousin tried to talk to her on my behalf and I think maybe she just told him what he wanted to hear not what he needed to know. Well of late, she changed and became even more resentful and very mean. She said she hates me and even chased me away. Please advice me. Hi, can I offer another viewpoint. Also withq Reference to in the original write and many of the responses, there seems a view the person who has had the silence imposed on them, is free from any cause, or involvement in that happening.
Also this view is looking at isolation with these Synonyms aloneness, insulation, privacy, secludedness, seclusion, segregation, separateness, sequestration, solitariness, solitude. What about the person doing the silent treatment? This goes against human nature of being social, so why do it? What are they thinking and how are they feeling? Is not, being silent a self isolations? So that person feels all that was said previously by others. As listed above there are many views of isolation.
The following is experienced views of a person being silent. Silence is due to multiple visits to the same situation or state of concern or conflict. They are, angry, sad, lost, frustrated, stressed and are experiencing mental health issues, isolated. Angry, with the situation, often that it happened again. Often that they allowed it to get to this point. So it is a control measure to stop lashing out. Sad, absolutely. Sad not being able to communicate or feel they can communicate.
Sad there is conflict again. Sad they feel alone isolated. Lost is directly from sad as there is no knowledge of how to deal with this and stop it happening. Frustrated, for not having an answer or other better option. Also the feeling of not this again isolated?
Stress with trying to deal with situations that often cannot be because the other persons, arguement, or view of there is no black and white answers ever only grey.
Or, when discussion occurs all view points are dismissed or ignored here is an isolation. Mental health is real here, depression and other thoughts are real by the the person being silent not being social is unhealthy medical fact. Isolated, very much so.
I will add a point though a different arguement , limiting or stopping a partner from being a romantic, and an intimate couple, is isolation, and every bit the same as we have discussed. Yet that is accepted as that persons right to say no… Why then is it not a persons right to be silent if they believe it is the best solution at the time? Hospitalised, due to stress.
Throat ulcers causing constriction and hard to eat. Blood pressure problems and all the other stress related health issues. It depends on where you look and which view and why. My wife of 30 years,has ignored me over every single thing,she also has taught our two daughters that the way to resolve a conflict is to avoid it…By doing that she is not viewed as angry which she is ,but viewed as reasonable….
Emotional witholding is her gig,she barters with her affection…She thinks that I have forgotten how to court a woman…I have been percent faithful,I treat her in an endearing manner,I speak of her with fondness or used to,now I just dont speak about her to others ,but I am telling her that she is without me to manipulate anymore…in about 20 mins ,her day will change drastically,and my life begins again..
I am a strong but gentle lover,eager to make sure I put my partner first in all I do…and if I say those 3 words to you,know I have your back forever…Has anyone noticed with the folks that ignore,generally are superficial,materialistic?
Perhaps just in my case,best regards to all of you ,start living immediately,oppression on any level is wrong all the time,every single one of us deserves to be happy,its our only entitlement in life. I was very happy when we first met. Because he showed me so much attention and said we were going to enjoy our life by traveling dancing all the things he knew I liked to do.
As soon as we got married it changed. Need to figure out if I should leave or not. But gives a lot to his Children. Hello, ive been with my boyfriend for 24 years. We have 2 sons together and i have 2 sons from a previous relationship. Lately my boyfriend ignores my texts calls and or takes a while to respond, with an answer from him saying he was busy his phone was in the car, he didnt hear it.
He gives me the slilent treatment. Should i be worried? Yes you should be worried. For one, The silent treatment is made to inflict pain and it does trigger the same response in your body as physical pain does! Some questions to ask yourself, truthfully: Does he ignore your needs? Do you walk on eggshells?
Does he gaslight or triangulate you? Does he let you have any control over anything: money, choices, decisions? Did he help with the kids; all four of them, in disciplining? Is he still interested in sex with you? And, can he look you in the eye still? I was truly awakened by these books from my 23 year marriage to a narcissist! So when he left is when I learned I had been with a textbook narcissist! From the love-bombing at the start, how I was perfect to him, to him hating me at the end.
I was the outed one, the broken one, from him sucking the life out of me over all of the years! I hung in there waiting for the guy I met to come back, to step back inside of his body or his brain. But I wasted so many years! I also have four children: two before and two with him. So we have some similarities, for sure. Jump off! Start protecting yourself now by saving anything you can I know it sounds awful but if this is truly who he is then protect yourself first and foremost.
And of course if you protect yourself, you will be protecting your children! There is so much more I could say and tell you! I may start a blog soon! Good luck and take care of YOU! I was discarded by him at the end, like trash.
Hey Sigmund My partner of 10 years and father of my children will not talk to me for weeks if we have an argument. He has not spoken to me for a week because I disagreed about the size of something and snapped at him when he told me not to complicate the learning for the kids.
He can also be cruel with words and Over the years has called me many nasty things. I realize he is just angry. He does withhold sex from me-he says he needs to feel an emotional connection and likes to be in control of sex. I know he is stressed but the silent treatment and not having a sexual relationship is making me pull further away. Thanks for listening. To me this sounds way more like emotional and mental abuse. No one should be calling you out of your name.
Him withholding sex is him almost like him punishing you after he already basically did by giving you the silent treatment for so long. He sounds very controlling and demeaning towards you. He likes to be in control in the bedroom and it sounds like he likes to be control outside the bedroom. Try not to give him what he wants. You should not reward silent treatments. You are aware of your faults and that is the first step to change.
Now He must become aware of his toxic behaviors as well and maybe you both can find a way to find the solutions for things. Good luck!! Sounds like Narcissistic behavior. My ex wife is a narcissist and would get angry very easily, call me all kinds of nasty names, and give me the silent treatment for hours and then forget that we even had a conversation. It hurts when someone you love is emotionally abusive. Its like they do not care and have no empathy at all. I feel your pain. Lean on God during tough times and be will give you shelter.
God bless! I have known my man for the last 1year. Recently deleted a text i had sent to him and he became very angry and accused me of being with another guy. He claimed i sent him the wrong text which was meant for the other guy.
He didnt talk to me for a day. Then next day he claimed to be fine so i assumed everything was okey. H e claimed he belives his instincts are telling the truth but to be honest am very loyal to him.. I dont know if i can recover from this. I was married to man for three years who practiced the silent treatment….. He then taught the technique to our daughter.
My daughter and I go through this cycle about every months and have been for the last 18 years.