The campaign is made up from the following missions:. Of course, the amount of time the Modern Warfare will take you depends on a few factors. We cleared it in around six and a half hours, playing on Hardened. We go into some more detail on the weapons available in the multiplayer mode in our Weapons Guide , and also the voice cast in our Actors Page. More about Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. It picks out certain parts of the single-player campaign that "work well with co-op". Missions are unlocked by earning stars, which are acquired by playing levels at certain difficulties.
Regular difficulty earns one star, hardened earns two, and veteran earns three. Missions are divided into five groups, named Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, and Echo - the last being the hardest. Within the groups, there are types of missions such as "Breach and Clear" and "Elimination".
There are special enemy types, such as those using Riot Shields , even the Special Ops exclusive Juggernaut , wearing heavy bomb squad armor. There are a total of 23 Special Ops missions, two of which are only playable in two player co-op due to one player assisting the other in carrying out the mission's objective from air support.
Multiplayer is similar to the previous two titles on Xbox and PlayStation 3. However, multiplayer on the PC is quite different from previous games. The PC version no longer includes dedicated server support.
While previous Call of Duty titles allowed multiplayer matches with up to 64 people and user-made maps and mods, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 on PC is almost identical to console versions. A few changes have been made;. The ranking system works in the same way as the previous two games.
As the player plays matches, they will gain XP. Once the player reaches a certain amount of XP, the player will level up. There are also 10 levels of prestige, just like in the other two games. As in World at War , the player can unlock a total of 5 extra custom class slots by the 9 th prestige. Weapons attachments return in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 with a few changes. Firstly, new attachments were introduced, such as the Thermal Scope and Heartbeat Sensor.
Secondly, some weapon attachments are now unlocked through the use of other attachments, such as getting 20 kills looking through the ACOG Scope to unlock the Thermal Scope or 60 kills looking down the RDS to unlock the Holographic Sight. Lastly, the Grip and Grenade Launcher no longer count as a tier one perk. There are a total of 14 weapon attachments, although not all attachments are available for all weapons.
Enemies throughout the campaign will now carry weapons customized with a variety of attachments. When a player goes to pick up a weapon, it will actually tell them what attachments the gun has, except when the gun is using Bling or does not have any attachments. Players can choose one perk from each of the three main tiers and one Death Streak perk for a single class loadout. Three kill streaks can also be chosen, but these are not class-specific. Pro perks are upgraded versions of existing perks that are unlocked by fulfilling certain requirements with the original.
All perks have Pro versions and all are unlocked by the Pro IV challenge for that specific perk. Pro V does not earn anything except a large amount of XP.
Pro VI challenges unlock Emblems or titles for players to use in their Callsigns. Pro perks include the benefits of the original version while adding new benefits. There are less Perks than in Call of Duty 4 due to the addition of Pro Perks, as well as the removal of many less-useful Perks. Players can select three Killstreak Rewards at a time. A player's killstreak loadout cannot be changed from class to class; instead, one loadout will be used for all classes.
Killstreaks now stack getting a higher killstreak no longer gets rid of the lower unused one, but it will not be available until after the current killstreak is used.
Also, killstreaks require one less kill with the perk Hardline. Death Streaks are the opposite of Kill Streaks: these give the player certain rewards for being killed a certain amount of times in a row without getting a kill. Once the Death Streak activates, it remains active until the user gets a kill, no matter how many times the user dies until they get that kill. Once the user gets a kill, the Death Streak will still be active for that life, but will then deactivate upon their next respawn.
Only one can be equipped to a class. Unlike Perks, Death Streaks do not have Pro versions. Accolades are awards earned in game and given after a match. They do not reward XP. Callsigns are multiplayer name-tags that appear on screen when a player achieves a kill, secures a command post, and other things. The callsign includes the Emblem, Title and name of the player.
To unlock titles and emblems for a callsign the player will need to do certain tasks such as reaching certain prestiges or kills with weapons etc. Challenges remain largely unchanged from the previous game. However, on the event of prestiging, a tier of challenges will be unlocked, under the title of Prestige.
These challenges mostly require the player to get a certain amount of kills using a killstreak etc. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 also features local split-screen on a single console, similarly to previous installments of Call of Duty.
Up to four players can play on a single console. Local split-screen features all of the same game modes and custom settings as online private matches, and for the first time allows players to unlock things and customize their classes just like in the online modes. One of the offline multiplayer settings enables players to play with everything that they have unlocked online, but playing offline will not earn them XP for their online account, nor will anything they do offline affect any of their online leaderboard stats.
Due to the commercial success of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare , Infinity Ward thought that the modern setting had entered unto a "world of its own," they then dropped the prefix from the title.
At E3 the customer intent to buy the game had dropped significantly because of the title change. It is speculated that Activision chose to bring the Call of Duty prefix back in response to these surveys in order to prevent confusion with consumers. The Call of Duty prefix is still absent from the Hardened and Prestige editions, as well as in-game menus. Former promotional logo used now on limited editions' packaging as well as in-game menus.
Activision has announced that they plan to release a minimum of two downloadable map packs for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. The game was released in four different editions for the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox The only changes that have been made are graphical, with it looking a lot better throughout than you might remember. Destiny 2. How many levels are there in CoD MW2? How many missions does Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 have?
How long is Modern Warfare 2 campaign? Is Modern Warfare 2 a good campaign? What mission does ghost die in mw2? How many missions are there in Call of Duty Modern Warfare?