Last edited: Dec 15, Gossamer , Dec 15, Andreas , Dec 15, You only get exp proportional to the damage you do, unless you're at or above the leech level. Keep in mind that it's not all that uncommon for people under leech level to be able to hit bosses with juicy exp. If it worked like you're hoping it does, this kind of leech would be way more common. One time I had to break the bad news to a newbie that came into my Bigfoot map with his red snail shells ready to go.
I have no first hand experience with this though. LMPQ is pretty good exp at level Neshium , Dec 15, Good to know. Figured it was too good to be true. So, since soloing seems to be my only option, I'm assuming Bigfoot is the best I can do, since Krexel is in an instance, and I can't repot. Unless there are any other "Area bosses" like Pianus that I can leave the map and come back for, that give more experience than Bigfoot. I agree, I think Bigfoot is your best bet. Looting out of turn is not worth it.
Typically, three buyers the average number of helms will be taken per run, but Zakum drops from helmets per death, so depending on the number of buyers, you may or may not get a helmet.
Even on 2X drop, I've seen just 1 helmet drop multiple times. If you do not receive a helm on the first try, please be patient and try again next time. Remember that the group wants to see a helm on your head just as much as you do, and that they have taken time out of their personal lives to try to get you a helmet. Please don't attack the runners or the organizer if you do not receive a helmet. I'm sure you'll find the process of helming a rewarding and satisfying one.
And in advance, congratulations on your helm! Thanks to HS and BannedStory for the images. Edited by Hiyochan, 13 February - PM. Posted 11 February - PM Thanks, done. Switching the graphics quality from high to low seems to solve this for most people.
IGN: Strombidae. Just a question -- why do Vista users like me on this new computer need to switch quality so much? I mean, I would obviously go lowest quality, but why switch a million times? Strombidae - Windia Hero. SeasonabIe - 49 Windia Cleric. Unmotivated to level. Posted 11 February - PM It just prevents disconnection. Posted 11 February - PM Awesome guide!
One little nit-pick, though; "Zakum is going to stun. I lost my account to some scammers and have to start over. Doing this didn't disconnect me during the run that I got to go on. It's an impostor! D: Bye people. You don't like me. I've always known that. I just wanted it to be finished for the run, so I didn't really proof-read it much either x] The columns appear on the floor though, so if you're standing over above it, you'll be stunned.
If you were below them, you'd be off the map MoogleBunny: I've heard of doing something like that too, but I couldn't recall the exact process. Do you mind if I quote you in the original thread? Karen: I don't mind it; it's a work in progress afterall. If you were below them, you'd be off the map Mapletip Veterans posts Location: Down on an island. IGN: Thalid. Posted 13 February - AM You may also want to add this for people who are interesting in having the buyers run on your account: After you've successfully gotten a helm from a buyer running on your account, change your password and PIN immediately.
Usually, the sellers won't be held liable if you get hacked afterwards, but there's still the danger of getting hacked afterwards due to certain reasons such as the buyers getting keylogged and somehow getting your account info, or if the buyers decide to hack you for some ridiculous reason such as revenge or just to be arseholes.
Oops, it looks like you already mentioned it, but I still wanted to bring up a bit of reasoning behind doing this. Edited by Judgment, 13 February - AM. The WK is still far from dead, albeit still barely alive. Posted 13 February - AM Very informative guide. I'll be sure to use it when I end up getting my Zakum Helmet if that ever happens Posted 13 February - PM Bookmarked!
Awesome guide for whenever I want one. But how long does an average Z-Run take? Click Here If You're Bored. Posted 13 February - PM Karen: The actual stunners do fall from the the ceiling, but the warning signal appears on the ground.
Res: It depends on the number and strength of attackers, and how soon they use apples. Most runs will take about minutes, but there are some which can kill Zakum faster. Although the run itself only lasts 30 minutes, you should set aside at least a couple hours. Posted 16 February - PM Woah nice guide.
Good use of images and headings are easy to find. I approve. In general, get pots that heal 3k HP. I find that looking at the visual cues room instead of Zak itself is an easier way to know what attack he will use.
Don't groups nowadays actually kill the Curse arm first instead of last because it slows attackers down? The runs I go to usually kill 2 or 3 arms on the left including Curse , then kill all 4 on right, then finish with top left. Most of the pre-4th job runs I been to did wait until the end to kill the Curse arm because runs took forever and people needed a break. Zakum summons are pretty dangerous and you should probably mention them, because getting bumped into a body by a summon is a pretty common scenario.
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May 15, 1.