The control of body volume in marine peritrichs. The water balance of freshwater Peritricha. A note on the sources of the water evacuated, and on the function of contractile vacuoles in marine Protozoa. The effects of short-term variations of temperature on a fresh-water peritrich ciliate.
Temperature and osmotic stress. Osmotic relations in a suctorian, with special reference to the mechanism of control of vacuolar output. The water relations of the suctorian Podophyra during feeding.
Effects of sudden changes in temperature on the contractile vacuole of a suctorian; with a discussion of the mechanism of contraction. Effects of high hydrostatic pressure on the contractile vacuole of a suctorian. Krogh , A. Lison , L. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, pp. Lilly , S. Lloyd , F. Beattie , The pulsatory rhythm of the contractile vesicle in Paramecium. Lovtrup , S. Pigon , Diffusion and active transport of water in the amoeba Chaos chaos L.
Carlsberg 28 , No. Ludwig , W. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Frage nach der kontraktilen Vakuolen. MacLennan , R. Mast , S. Locomotion, and Stimulation in Amoeba. Bowen , The food-vacuole in the Peritricha , with special reference to the hydrogen-ion concentration of its contents and of the cytoplasm.
Fowler , Permeability of Amoeba proteus to water. Hopkins , Regulation of the water content of Amoeba mira and adaptation to changes in the osmotic concentration of the surrounding medium. Metcalf , M. Mitchison , J. Moore , I. Nardone , R. Wilber , Nitrogenous excretion in Colpidium campylum.
Nassonov , D. Pace , D. Kimura , The effect of temperature on respiration in Paramecium aurelia and Paramecium caudatum. Pantin , C. The action of certain non-electrolytes. A note on the isoelectric point of the proteins of a marine amoeba. Robinson , J.
Rudzinska , M. Chambers , The activity of the contractile vacuole in a suctorian Tokophrya infusionum. Schmidt , W. Protoplasma 33 , 44— Schmitt , F. Palmer , X-ray diffraction studies of lipide and lipide-protein systems. Cold Spr. It is essential because it maintains a constant optimal osmotic pressure in the cell.
Through it, the cell is able to keep the right amount of solute concentration and water. In aquatic unicellular organisms such as protozoa and algae, the cell is hypertonic relative to its surrounding, i. As a result, the water tends to flow into the cell through osmosis.
The contractile vacuole helps prevent excessive water influx that could harm and cause rupture lysis to the cell. The contractile vacuole contracts to expel water out of the cell thus, the name.
The period of water expulsion of contractile vacuole is referred to as systole whereas the period at which water flows into it is called diastole. CVs should not be confused with vacuoles which store food or water. A CV is found predominantly in protists and in unicellular algae. In freshwater environments, the concentration of solutes inside the cell is higher than outside the cell. Under these conditions, water flows from the environment into the cell by osmosis.
Thus, the CV acts as a protective mechanism against cellular expansion and possibly explosion from too much water; it expels excess water from the cell by contracting. However, not all species that possess a CV are freshwater organisms; some marine and soil microorganisms also have a CV.
The CV is predominant in species that do not have a cell wall, but there are exceptions. Through the process of evolution, the CV was mostly eliminated in multicellular organisms; however it still exists in the unicellular stage of several multicellular fungi and in several types of cells in sponges, including amoebocytes, pinacocytes, and choanocytes.
The stage in which water flows into the CV is called diastole.