What follower should i get skyrim

This powerful follower hangs out at the Drunken Huntsman in Whiterun, making her one of the earliest, and most easily accessible potential followers in the game. Jenassa is no slouch when it comes to combat. She's an expert archer that can trek into the most dangerous of places wearing heavy armor if so desired.

She can also retrieve arrows during travels, which is a definite plus, and her only real drawback is a lack of magical ability. For many gamers, Jenassa is a surefire way to survive the first few perilous adventures whilst they level up their characters. Aela is a member of the Companions and a master trainer in archery.

The most fanatical member of the Circle, she's the only member of the Companions who refuses to be cured of her lycanthropy after one of the main quests is completed. She constantly talks about being a werewolf, and all the bloodshed and hunting that it entails. She can also be considered a marriage option, provided players don't mind hearing about the wonders and blessings of being a werewolf on a consistent, routine basis. Still, as a fighter, Aela is extremely capable and worthy of taking along on a trip or two.

Following in her story leads players to "The Silver Hand," one of the best quests in the base Skyrim game. Eola bears the distinction of being one of the most unsettling followers in the entire game. She's not particularly moral, or good-natured, due mostly to her cannibalistic tendencies. In fact, Eola can convince the player to join her cult, where they can partake in the feasting of human flesh. For those who don't mind going down this road, Eola does give back in spades.

She's an expert when it comes to sneaking, and she can even resurrect dead corpses and use them in battle. Her only drawback is a lack of heavy armor and weaponry, which can make her more vulnerable in a fight. Few followers in Skyrim are as versatile and tough as Teldryn Sero, and he continues to impress as a mainline option. When playing Skyrim, no character can ever be the strongest in-game. It's important to consider: do you want to min-max your character, or balance them out?

Choose a specific "class," such as rogue or berserker? Choose a specific skill? Or are you interested in being a well-rounded fighter? The same is true for selecting the best follower.

What are your intentions? Are you hoping to have a brawler to help you brawl through adversaries? Or are you hoping on balancing out your team? Choosing a rogue to assist your fighter? Choosing a mage or healer to aid you as you run headlong into combat? Or vice-versa? Consider your play style and what you want out of a follower.

Many followers are available primarily through marriage events. By marrying someone, you gain them as a companion. This will require you to get used to this follower, since you'd be wed until death do you part. Unless you've modded the game to add polygamy as an option. One useful companion you can gain through marriage is Mjoll the Lioness, who you can marry following her quest. This will make it easier to find her, as she'll be hanging out in your house. Highly recommend waiting until you have strong light armor to grant her before you let her dual-wield, as she can be quite fragile without it.

Where to find : Encounter her during the main Dawnguard quest-line. And she can be cured anyway. Where to find : Jorrvaskr , Whiterun. Complete the Companions main quest-line. Sporting a high max level, great archery, and light armor stat levels, Aela is a powerful hunter-based follower. There has been conflicting reports on her ability to die. Ever-reliable and considered fan favorites, housecarls such as Lydia yield high stats in heavy armor, block and one-handed.

So in general, they act as an additional warrior who is decent at all aspects of combat, while being a master of none. Despite her intimidating appearance, Mjoll the Lioness has great convictions and you can quickly lose her as a follower if you have a bounty placed on you in Riften.

To get Cicero, you need to finish the Dark Brotherhood questline and spare him at the Dawnstar Sanctuary. I killed him in mine - even with stats like those, I found it difficult to reconcile my disdain for his actions with a need for a companion. Luckily, even if you kill Cicero you can get one of the two unnamed Dark Brotherhood Initiates who show up in the Dawnstar Sanctuary after Nazir and Babette move in. Both of these have the same stats as Cicero, and if you kill Cicero you can take his heavily enchanted Jester set, too.

Once he considers you a friend, you can ask him to follow you. Aela the Huntress is an archer found in Jorrvaskr, home of the Companions. Aela is a brilliant archer, but she has better synergy with some player types than others.


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