TonyK TonyK 58k 4 4 gold badges 75 75 silver badges bronze badges. Even in more abstract cases than just numbers, the subtraction law here has to hold; in some sense it expresses the very nature of what it means for two things tobe equal. DonAntonio DonAntonio k 17 17 gold badges silver badges bronze badges. Since this was a mathematical question I tried to give a mathematical answer without assuming more than what was in the OP.
Show 1 more comment. Bill Dubuque Bill Dubuque k 36 36 gold badges silver badges bronze badges. If one objected to all the things that failed in noncommutative cases the site would be a mess.
Really depends what context you are used to. Trial and error Trial and error 11 1 1 bronze badge. Is the proof ok though? Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Reconize when a matrix has a unique solutions, no solutions, or infinitely many solutions using python. In [1]:. In [2]:. Result is not guaranteed to be accurate. Reciprocal condition number: 3. If these two equations are inconsistent , corresponding lines in the Cartesian plane are parallel and will never cross See Practice Question 2.
Linear dependence, for example between two linear equations, refers to a situation when one equation in the system is a multiple of another equation. Consider a more general example.
Understanding the meaning of Unique Solution Ask Question. Asked 6 years, 10 months ago. Active 2 years, 1 month ago. Viewed 28k times. Atinesh Atinesh 1, 4 4 gold badges 14 14 silver badges 29 29 bronze badges. By independent they could mean that the columns of the associated matrix are independent vectors.
I'd a misconception, You are right. Add a comment.