Where to buy alessi

The workshop produced crafted tableware and household objects in metal and wood, often inspired by the Art Nouveau designs popular in Austria and Britain at the time.

With an obsession for quality finishes and careful execution, Giovanni propelled Alessi toward quick success. Over the years, he played a vital role in integrating industrial processes into Alessi production and generating large-scale commissions from hotels and restaurants. In , another son of Giovanni, Ettore, joined the company as head of the technical office and began to commission designs from independent designers, such as Luigi Massoni.

Several internationally renowned architects and designers are responsible for the watches that are sold worldwide as part of Alessi's "Watches Collection ", whose individual styles and methods are mirrored in the unmistakable character of every Alessi watch.

Website by Alessi. Continue to Shop. Interior Design Brands. Alessi Italian design tradition par excellence! Special offer. Load more. In other words, the three brands focus on products with different prize ranges and purchase opportunities. My Wish List. Buy Buy. Go to Wish List. A Royal Holiday. Follow us. The Crusinallo-based company was established by the late Giovanni Alessi sometime after World War I primarily as a manufacturer of stainless steel cutlery.

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