Later, he saw just how strictly Yara adhered to the schedule when she invited his family over to celebrate Ukrainian Christmas and told him to tell them to go home right at 6 p. I'm not doing this for you. You invited these people, my family, to come to our house for Ukrainian Christmas.
I'm not kicking them out. Yara did end up being the one to tell Jovi's family to leave, and not surprisingly, his mom, Gwen, was appalled. It's six o'clock, and she sleeps in y'all bed. She can go lay down later, right? Jovi, you kicking us out? That's a good thing," Gwen also told cameras. We drove two hours to get here.
I think that she's being pretty strict, like, 'It's going to be like this, and that's it. He doesn't have any say so at all. So, I think that she needs to cut him some slack because it is totally ridiculous that you're going to kick people out. I think that's kind of rude. Do you agree? But Yara again defended herself to cameras noting that it "wasn't a Cajun party," but Ukrainian Christmas. You enjoy the food.
You freaking leave, go home. Know your place. Yara and Jovi continued to disagree when they went out to buy Mylah a crib and Jovi noted the change in Yara since she gave birth. I'd be begging her, 'Like, hey, can we please go home? And I think it's important for us to keep the fire going in our relationship. Because every time we go to bed, there's a baby in our bed. So, it's like Mylah's gonna need to move from our bed to her own bed. Season 1. Drag Race Holland Season 1 Season 2. Season 1 Season 2.
Other Series. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Yara Sofia. History Talk 0. Do you like this video? Play Sound. This article needs citations This article is in need of citations to make sure all information stated is correct. Half-Baked Photoshoot — with Alexis Mateo. Opposites Attract Photoshoot — with Alexis Mateo.