How can diseases be treated

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Skip to main content. Home Infections. Infections — bacterial and viral. Actions for this page Listen Print. Summary Read the full fact sheet. On this page. How bacteria and viruses enter the body To cause disease, pathogenic bacteria must gain access into the body. The range of access routes for bacteria includes: Cuts Contaminated food or water Close contact with an infected person Contact with the faeces of an infected person Breathing in the exhaled droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes Indirectly, by touching contaminated surfaces — such as taps, toilet handles, toys and nappies.

Viruses are spread from one person to another by: Coughs Sneezes Vomits Bites from infected animals or insects Exposure to infected bodily fluids through activities such as sexual intercourse or sharing hypodermic needles. Bacteria types Bacteria that cause disease are broadly classified according to their shape. The four main groups include: Bacilli — shaped like a rod with a length of around 0.

Illnesses such as typhoid and cystitis are caused by bacilli strains. Cocci — shaped like a sphere with a diameter of around 0. Depending on the sort, cocci bacteria group themselves in a range of ways, such as in pairs, long lines or tight clusters. Examples include Staphylococci which cause a host of infections including boils and Gonococci which cause the sexually transmissible infection gonorrhoea.

Spirochaetes — as the name suggests, these bacteria are shaped like tiny spirals. Spirochaetes bacteria are responsible for a range of diseases, including the sexually transmissible infection syphilis. Vibrio — shaped like a comma.

The tropical disease cholera, characterised by severe diarrhoea and dehydration, is caused by the vibrio bacteria. Characteristics of the bacterium Most bacteria, apart from the cocci variety, move around with the aid of small lashing tails flagella or by whipping their bodies from side to side. Curing a bacterial infection The body reacts to disease-causing bacteria by increasing local blood flow inflammation and sending in cells from the immune system to attack and destroy the bacteria.

This ensures that the correct vaccinations are ordered in time. Certain vaccinations need to be in your system several weeks prior to travel to make sure they are effective against infectious disease. Travel vaccinations are not covered under insurance plans, however any vaccines given will be submitted to the patient's insurance company and billed separately.

Before your travel vaccination appointment, patients should be prepared to provide an updated vaccine record, as well as a copy of the patient's travel itinerary. Please note there is currently a shortage of the Yellow Fever vaccine and is not available at this time. Your health information, right at your fingertips. Contact a health care provider if you have questions about your health. Viral Infections. Learn More Related Issues Specifics. See, Play and Learn Images. Research Clinical Trials Journal Articles.

Resources Find an Expert. For You Children Patient Handouts. Start Here. A JN Learning audio on bacteriophage treatment is available at edhub. No other disclosures were reported. Treatment and prophylaxis of bacterial infections. Medications for Treating Infection. Coronavirus Resource Center. Our website uses cookies to enhance your experience. By continuing to use our site, or clicking "Continue," you are agreeing to our Cookie Policy Continue.

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