And lastly…. Shellock, F. The short answer: In exactly the same way as you would use a strength training program. And the same applies to flexibility training. Transcript from video click to open Emily : So, tell me, because you know, a lot of people like stretching is a periphery, like something, like they do their workouts, they have an office job or whatever it is.
So, can you just share with us, like what are the top reasons people need to stretch their bodies? Another study in the Journal of Physical Activity and Health concluded that stretching is also beneficial for reducing blood pressure. Stretching is not a quick fix Remember, stretching is not a quick fix.
Do away with stiff, tight muscles and joints; Improve your freedom of movement; Get rid of injuries, aches and pains; Improve your sporting performance; and Take your flexibility to the next level. Research and References Alter, M.
Longo, S. Venturelli, M. Coratella, G. Limonta, E. Doria, C. Rampichini, S. Esposito, F. Caplan, N. Rogers, R. Parr, M. Hayes, P. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research , Fradkin, A. Zazryn, T. Smoliga, J. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research , 24 1 Hotta, K. Behnke, B. Arjmandi, B. Ghosh, P. Chen, B. Brooks, R. Maraj, J. Elam, M. Maher, P.
Kurien, D. Churchill, A. Sepulveda, J. Kabolowsky, M. Christou, D. Muller-Delp, J. Daily muscle stretching enhances blood flow, endothelial function, capillarity, vascular volume and connectivity in aged skeletal muscle.
The Journal of Physiology , 10 , Hadjistavropoulos, T. Tomczak, C. Foulds, H. Chilibeck, P. Nelson, A. Eldredge, C. Winchester, J. Nuckols, G. Stronger by Science.
Pereles, D. Walking, running in place or doing jumping jacks for a few minutes will warm up muscles. Once muscles are warm, young athletes are ready for these stretches, each of which should be repeated three to six times:. After every workout, repeat these same stretches to help the body cool down and increase flexibility while muscles are still warm.
Young athletes should stretch at least three times a week, but only after they have warmed up or after a workout, when muscles are loose and relaxed.
Stretching before warming up does not reduce the risk for injury during a sport, and fitness experts such as the American College of Sports Medicine, no longer recommend it. Learn more about physical therapy for athletes offered by CHOC. Rehabilitation Services. To Schedule an Evaluation, Call Warm Up Stretches Before Workout or Playing Sports Once muscles are warm, young athletes are ready for these stretches, each of which should be repeated three to six times: Forward lunge.
Kneel on one knee. Place the other leg forward at a right angle knee right over ankle. Lean forward to feel the stretch in the front of the thigh. Hold for 20 seconds. Repeat several times. As always, you should consult with your healthcare provider about your specific health needs. How does stretching prevent injuries in people who work out? School of Medicine, Family Medicine. Muscle fibers have a certain length to them.
National Academy of Sports Medicine. If you work out, a good way to fend off injury is to stretch regularly, which develops flexibility. Mythbuster Fact or Fiction: Stretching before a workout to help prevent injury? When should I stretch? Why should I stretch? How long do I stretch? General rules with stretching include: Make your stretching pain-free Move into stretches slowly Perform the stretches on a daily basis Answer to this myth-buster: Fiction!
Rachel Spaeth. At Concordia, Rachel had the opportunity to take advanced coursework in manual therapy and sport specific training. Submit a Comment Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.