Mayor de Blasio and I share the same vision. We believe in tough bargains that get the most out of every dollar we invest. Her appointment has been praised by members of the nonprofit and private sectors alike. The Network congratulates Ms. Glen on her appointment and looks forward to working with a Deputy Mayor with such extensive affordable housing expertise.
Before her arrival at the Department of Aging, she acted as President and CEO of Safe Space , a Queens-based nonprofit that serves homeless and at-risk children and families. Barrios-Paoli has exactly the breadth of knowledge and understanding of the many City agencies so important to reducing poverty and increasing opportunity for poor New Yorkers.
We are especially encouraged that in her statement accepting the appointment, Ms. Meisha Porter Chancellor. Frederic M. Umane President. Andrew D'Amora Acting Commissioner. Hilary Semel Director.
Vincent Sapienza, P. Jeanne M. Victor Executive Director. Sherif Soliman Commissioner. Daniel Nigro Commissioner. Food Policy Director, Office of the. Dave A. Chokshi, MD Commissioner. Joslyn Carter Administrator. Louise Carroll Commissioner. Amy Peterson Director.
Hudson Yards Infrastructure Corporation. David Womack President. Gary Jenkins Administrator. Carmelyn P. Malalis Commissioner. Raquel Batista Commissioner. Ronnie Lowenstein Director.
Jessica Tisch Commissioner. Phil Eure Commissioner. Lydon Sleeper Director. Margaret Garnett Commissioner. Desiree Kim Executive Director. Renee Campion Commissioner.
Sarah Carroll Chair. Georgia M. Anthony W. Marx President and CEO. Dennis M. Walcott President and CEO. Kevin Schultz Executive Director. Jacques Jiha, Ph. Charles DeStefano Chair. Executive Director. Bill de Blasio Mayor. Mayor's Office for Economic Opportunity. Matt Klein Executive Director. Penny Abeywardena Commissioner. Victor Calise Commissioner. Mark McIntyre Director.
Melissa A. Browne Director. Mayor's Office of the Chief Technology Officer. Adrienne Lever Director. Dean Fuleihan First Deputy Mayor. Eunice Park Director of Communications. Ben Furnas Director. Magalie D. Austin Senior Advisor and Director. Cecile Noel Commissioner. Anne del Castillo Commissioner. Karen Johnson Interim General Manager. NYC Children's Cabinet. Mayoral appointments to fill vacancies that occur before the expiration of the term are not subject to Board approval. Enforce and prosecute all violations of the laws, rules and regulations.
Supervise the Police and other subordinate Officers of the Village. Note that members of the Village Board of Trustees do not have any authority to supervise or direct subordinate Village Officers or Employees. Intervene in any and all actions, at the direction of the Board, where deemed necessary to protect the rights of the Village and its inhabitants.
Serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member of each Board of Commissioners. Sign checks, only if the Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer are absent or unable, and when authorized by the Board of Trustees.
If the Board of Trustees has authorized the Mayor to sign checks, the authorization must be by resolution or local law, a certified copy of which must be provided to the bank. Investigate all contract claims made against the Village. To carry out the investigations, the Mayor may issue subpoenas to compel persons, including the claimant, to appear and testify before the Mayor Village Clerk, or Village Counsel.