Ewell provided evidence in the case, filing the original charges that saw Tom Robinson arrested on what many called a lack of evidence. Tom Robinson was found guilty and sentenced to prison. Shortly before his death he was seen quite often around the Deas residence and was spotted arguing with Mr. Atticus Finch about the trial, during which he spat in Mr.
Finch's face. These may be the source of the rumors which suggest that there may have been some sort of scuffle between Mr. Ewell and another man, but Sheriff Heck Tate has dismissed these clams as patently false stating that he had in fact fallen on his knife while drunk. Sounds like quite an honor. Considered human trash by the Maycomb community, the Ewells live in a shotgun shack out by the dump. Ewell has no ambition to improve his life, or the lives of his eight motherless children; instead, he spends his welfare checks on whiskey and lets the local landowners turn a blind eye to his poaching activities out of pity for his hungry children.
On the one hand, Bob is an object of pity. He was doomed from the moment he was born a Ewell. On the other hand, he's such an obnoxious and mean character that it's hard to feel sorry for him. The town's view that he's just a Ewell, and Ewells are trash, makes it easy for them to avoid responsibility for trying to help him or his children: no point in offering any aid to someone who's not going to change.
Scout first sees Mr. Ewell at Tom Robinson's trial. She thinks he looks like a freshly-scrubbed rooster, and he's about as articulate as a dirty-minded Foghorn Leghorn. On the witness stand, he plays the comedian even with the lawyer for his own side. Ewell was Mr. Gilmer's witness, and he had no business being rude to him of all people. During the story, he beats his daughter Mayella and frames a black man named Tom Robinson for beating up and raping Mayella, who faces a possible death sentence, hoping that Maycomb County would consider him a hero for doing so.
Though he was successful at convicting Tom Robinson, he gets angry at Maycomb County for still not respecting him. Ewell still wishes to get revenge on Atticus Finch for what he managed to prove in court. At the climax of the book, Ewell returns and tries to personally hurt Atticus by attempting to kill Scout and Jem Atticus' children with a kitchen knife while they are walking home through the woods, but is thwarted when Arthur "Boo" Radley shows up to save them, killing him with his own knife in a struggle in the process.
The next day, in order to keep Boo out of jail, Mr. Tate attempts to cover up the truth about Ewell's death by making it seem like he had accidentally stabbed himself during the struggle. Bob Ewell is a racist individual who hates African-Americans, including Tom Robinson despite him being an innocent man who never did anything wrong.
He doesn't like Atticus Finch as the latter believes that whites and blacks are equal. Ewell is also a domestic abuser, as Atticus revealed in court that Ewell likely beat his own daughter Mayella after he saw her forcefully kissing Tom, and it is heavily implied that Ewell raped Mayella himself and framed Tom for it, which would make him guilty of incest as well.
Ewell is also a coward at heart because after Atticus managed to prove what he said in court, Bob didn't go after him; instead, he decided to go after Scout and Jem, meaning he was willing to kill two children to get what he wanted. However, this only led to him being killed by Boo Radley.
This means that he would have likely killed his own daughter if she told the jury that he was the one who raped her. On top of the abuse, Bob also shows no regard for his children's lives. He continues to waste his welfare money on beer instead of providing for them.
His neglect was so bad that law enforcement let his poaching slide as they knew it was the only thing he was willing to do to make sure his children were fed. This neglect also shows that Bob is careless on top of being an abusive and racist monster. Animated Features Warren T. Waul Cactus Cat Gang T. His murder attempt failed, when Arthur "Boo" Radley took a kitchen knife and killed Bob Ewell to prevent him from harming the Finch children.
Ewell was stopped, but not before he broke Jem's arm and tried to kill Scout however she was saved by her ham costume from the play. Heck Tate, knowing Boo Radley killed Bob Ewell, covered this up by saying that Bob fell on his own knife, and therefore killed himself. Atticus briefly tries to stop Tate before choosing not to. He is a strong alcoholic and poaches game to feed his family, as a result of his spending whatever money he legally gains on alcohol.
Near the end of the book when scout is grabbed by Bob Ewell she mentions that she can smell alcohol.