Should i use swfobject

Therefore, I enter false as the third parameter. I know that opening the hood and working with code directly can be tough for non-programmers, so the creators of SWFObject have been nice enough to create a code generator for you. You can download the generator from the Google Code Project.

The generator presents a form where you can enter the necessary information about your projects and then it generates the right code for you. Here is a simple example of using the standards compliant version of SWFObject 2. After viewing the flash content, you can click View, and then Source in your browser to see the alt content in the html.

I also uploaded a webpage where I am forcing the browser to show you the alt content. In addition, the static version of SWFObject 2. A nice benefit.

When you look at the source code, you can see an additional parameter I added for turning off the standard right click menu. You can use a number of flash parameters and the SWFObject 2.

I know…Ugh. Unfortunately, the standards compliant version of SWFObject 2. Go figure. I may detail using the dynamic version of SWFObject in future posts, but this post is already getting too long! OK, that was a lot to cover, but now you have a way to provide alternative html content for your killer flash content…and the search engines can index the alt content to boot!

That said, if your alt content directly reflects your flash content, you should be ok. Used properly, this enhances the accessibility and usability of your site and will enable your killer content to be found by the search engines.

First of all, the html code you have to write to embed an swf file is different for some browsers. Firefox, Chrome,.. SWFObject is a javascript 'library' kinda silly since it is only one file :P that can inject the proper html tags directly into the DOM tree, and handles those browser differences for you.

Furthermore there were some security concerns for flash cross site scriptings attacks in the past. I know for a fact that in older Flex Builder versions there were problems with the generated html-templates which could potentially cause major security issues.

Is it really necessary? No, it's not if you know what you are doing. Is it convenient and an Adobe standard, yes it is. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group.

Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. Asked 10 years, 5 months ago. Star 1. MIT License. Branches Tags. Could not load branches. Could not load tags. Latest commit. Git stats commits. The buttonClicked method is fairly simple. It adds forward slashes to the beginning and end of the instance name of the button that was clicked event.

Through the event object, the property named value holds a value passed in via the SWFAddress. Then SWFAddress. The SWFAddress. You can even type URLs directly to different states of your application.

Other methods for sending data are also available, such as flashvars. Or you may want Flash to be notified when a JavaScript event occurs.

The syntax for the ExternalInterface class is fairly straightforward. Use the ExternalInterface. If you wanted to call a JavaScript function called myFunction , passing in a value of some string , the code would look like this:. The file ExternalInterface. To see this in action, view this file using your testing server, making sure to include the swfobject folder containing swfobject.

When you view the file with your testing server, you should see the data passed in from Flash showing up as a JavaScript alert shown in Figure The method ExternalInterface. For an example, you can look at ExternalInterfaceReturn.

Here, the code checks to see whether the JavaScript getText function returns a value. This is because unless you run this code on the Web or on a testing server, ExternalInterface. If you test this file on your testing server, or on the Web, you should see the JavaScript text appear in Flash see Figure The general code looks like this:. Although you can give different names for the JavaScript function and the Flash function, you may avoid some confusion by giving the functions the same name.

These variables are object data types, written in shorthand notation, just like object shorthand notation in Flash. The attributes object is the only one that contains data, with id and name values of "fromJS". Notice that the last three values passed in correspond to the variables created earlier: flashvars , params , and attributes. This is the order in which these parameters must be passed into swfobject. The rest of the code is connected.

The window. To communicate to the function within the Flash content, you need to wait until the Flash content is loaded and ready for communication. By the time the window. The document. From there, the Flash functions added using the ExternalInterface. When you test this file using a testing server or web server, you should see the message from JavaScript appearing in the Flash text field see Figure To do that, all you have to do is make your Flash function return a value, and in JavaScript the data is usable as the returned value of the Flash function.

This code adds a callback for the getNewTitle function. This code is pretty similar to what we looked at in the last example, except in the windowLoaded function the value of document.

If you test this using your testing or web server, you should see the Flash text field update and the document title at the top of your browser window change shown in Figure Other features of the ExternalInterface class are beyond the scope of this book. For full documentation, see Flash Help. You can exchange data in several ways, but the ExternalInterface class is the recommended method for Flash Player 8 and later.

Before Flash Player 8, and even for later versions, another method of data exchange you can use is flashvars. Some other methods for getting data in Flash Player 7 and earlier were the getURL function and fscommand.

See Flash Help for more information about these methods. With SWFObject , you can simply pass the property and value pairs into a JavaScript object and send that value into the swfobject. Notice that the data type is object , and the names and values are written in shorthand, as in ActionScript.

In ActionScript 3. The for.. Open the HTML file, xylophone-master. Save the file as xylophone-master-swfobject.


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