This results in a score which ranges between If you score on Verbal Reasoning, on Decision Making, on Quantitative Reasoning and a on Abstract Reasoning, your total score will be Your SJT band will be given next to this score.
The SJT Situational Judgement Test is scored different because the answers can be close to correct, but not exactly correct. The score is provided in one of four bands. If your answer is close to the correct answer, you will get some points. Band 1 — Performed at an excellent level, displaying judgement similar to the majority of the expert panel.
Band 2 — Displayed a decent level of performance, often demonstrating appropriate judgement, with several responses corresponding to model answers. Band 3 — Performed at a modest level, displaying appropriate judgement for some questions and significant differences from model responses for other questions.
Band 4 — Performed poorly, displaying significantly different judgement than the model response in several cases.
When you have finished your test, you will receive a copy of your ukcat scores. Situational Judgement Measures the capacity to understand real world situations and to identify critical factors and appropriate behaviour in dealing with them. Full marks are awarded for a question if your response matches the correct answer. Partial marks are awarded if your response is close to the correct answer. It can be printed from your browser or saved as a PDF. Results will If you are intending to apply to universities in the UK or one of our Associate Member universities then you need to be on our UK site.
Total Scale Score Range - Situational Judgement Measures the capacity to understand real world situations and to identify critical factors and appropriate behaviour in dealing with them. Find more. You may also wish to check out our blog on what to do if you didn't get a good enough UCAT score.
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UCAT Year. Mean Scaled Scores.