What is the difference between romeos love for juliet and rosaline

Now, this declaration of love may seem no more profound than before due to the fact that he more or less said the same thing albeit less poetically about Rosaline earlier on. However, where Romeo really demonstrates to the audience that something new has been awoken inside of him is what he does next.

Trying not to blow his cover as a Montague, he sneaks up to Juliet during the party and touches her hand, which he refers to a holy shrine made dirty by his rude hand. Their subsequent interaction pours out of them in 14 lines of perfect iambic pentameter ending in a rhyming couplet, making it a sonnet.

This interaction ends with the first kiss of the "star-crossed lovers" and seals their fate. Romeo knows in this moment that he did not truly live until now and that their is no going back. Unlike with Rosaline, he makes good on these claims time and time again throughout the story, putting his life in very real danger in order to be with her, including the famous "Balcony Scene" of act 2. If caught, he will almost certainly be tortured and killed but Romeo is determined, telling Juliet that his life were "better ended by their hate, Than death prorogued, wanting of thy love.

All in all, it is Romeo's actions that should illuminate the difference between his love for Rosaline and Juliet. To borrow a line from another famous character of The Bard: "What wilt thou do for her?

Romeo is smitten with both Rosaline and Juliet, but his love for Rosaline is unrequited. Thus, we find him at the beginning of the play pining for Rosaline, who has decided to remain chaste. His friends urge him to get over Rosaline, but he only does so when he encounters Juliet. The Friar, to whom he has spoken at length about his love for Rosaline, is skeptical about his newly-professed love for Juliet.

He understandably thinks that Romeo has impulsively given his love to another, which suggests that neither love was really sincere. It is hard to know whether his love for Rosaline was legitimate—it certainly seems so at the beginning of the play—but his love for Juliet certainly is. He is willing to die for her. I would argue Romeo loves both women passionately, but his love for Juliet seems more substantial.

Post a Comment. This suggests that she takes him away from all the bad memories. This could also mean that even when they die they will both be together in heaven. As far as getting killed. This tells us what Romeo thinks of Juliet, as glorious and as wonderful as her hear. Overall I think that Romeo and Juliet had a better connection because there was no spark between Romeo and Rosaline.

Romeo portrays his love for Juliet as very easy. He seems to be much more comfortable with her compared to Rosaline as he can be himself around her and tell her anything even though they are from two completely different families who hate each other. He would even risk meeting her on her balcony even when he was risking his own life.

Analysis of Romeo's Love for Rosaline vs Juliet. Accessed November 13, Analysis, Pages 5 words. Get quality help now. Proficient in: Love. Recent essay samples. Avoid submitting plagiarized assignments. Not Finding What You Need? Copying content is not allowed on this website. Ask a professional expert to help you with your text. ASK writer for help. Use a quotation evidence for each.

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