Here are five ways on how to respond when someone calls you cute, and that person is a crush:. When someone for whom you have no interest gives you a compliment, like calling you cute, it can be a little awkward or uncomfortable for you.
Here are five ways on how to respond when someone calls you cute when you are definitely not interested in the speaker. When it comes from a friend, you can joke it off; however, you can also return the favor by giving a compliment to uplift your friend. Now that you are fully equipped with these responses, you can never get caught off-guard again. You can choose to clear the air, make a joke, or brush it off. Good luck! Your email address will not be published. Dealing with betrayal from someone you trusted really hurts.
Connect with us. Photo by Alice Teeple on reshot. It can be difficult to respond to compliments, especially when it comes out of nowhere. I especially struggle with any sort of comment on my appearance, and I usually brush them off.
You could also just thank the person for what is obviously a compliment and then move on. Probably more gracious than some of the responses above which are meant to be all kinds of funny, or rude, or even silly. But the internet and also the use of fat thumbs to type messages means that you can feel free to ignore social conventions and respond briefly, or with emojis, or just completely ignore the message.
It is pretty common to see the following in response to comments about appearance on social media content posts:. You have not received the compliment to heart. This is the kind of response you give someone you have no emotional connection.
Try not to fight it, if not for your sake, at least honor the person doing it. Always take note of the tone and their facial expression. This will help you to read the motive behind the compliment.
If you are shy and not used to receiving compliments, you most likely will try to take the compliment and water it down. Five years later, I remember that more than the millions of times he has said it after but I have never known a suitable response for that, especially at such a moment. Am a graduate sociologist and a regular contributor to national publications such as the American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Journal of Applied Social Science and the Annual Review of Sociology.
Needing space does not always signify there is an issue in the relationship. Partners in perfectly healthy relationships need space too. This is a time to recover, reset, and re-energize. Space often Dreaming about someone repeatedly means that they are constantly in your subconscious mind. Skip to content.