Replaced my squire with the countess so the app and squire were left behind. Next up was the Jester. This became my DPS character and the huntress is now the traptress. I had created all of the gender switched characters but never really used any but the countess she is so fast. I have recently switched to the fox initiate for auras and converted my monk to a booster.
The characters I have not used yet are the adept and ranger. Currently used characters: Initiate for auras and to collect 1st wave mana. EV for buffs and reflects. Countess for harpoons. Summoner for archers, spiders and mages. Then DPS Jester to upgrade it all, shoot enemies, roll heal all and kill pct, move towers back into place after sharken. Beginning to use: Booster Monk with chicken, Barbarian with cat, Demoness with guardians. I now use the 3 emulated controllers.
Not using: Adept, Ranger, Squire, Apprentice. EDIT: left out Huntress for gas traps from my currently used list. I should add that after I get rest of the characters I use to level , I am planning on raising those unused characters as tower Adept and DPS characters so I can have some variety back. Firegod 0. My personal favorite was the summoner. I liked the overlord mode.
I didn't care for the other mode because it was basically the same as overlord, but just a different view. Otherwise, I really wanted to enjoy the Apprentice hero, I just didn't like his towers as much as the squires. The elemental issues caused me to be rather frusrated, and just switched to the squire in the low to mid 30's very early on. Dragonfly 0. Posted February 2, Most used: pretty much everyone, but Series EV was my favourite dem lat0rs. I never used the Barbarian because I disliked the fact he had no towers.
Same with Jester, I played her only when fooling around. Dagarath 4. Most used character for active play - monk, jester, barbarian, ranger Most used builders - monk, ev, summoner, huntress, countess The monk's ranged dps, hero boost, tower boost. The jester is probably the best upgrader, map maintainer of all. To those who haven't learned the wheel of fortuna, you haven't played the jester yet.
The ability to heal everything on the map every secs is overpowered. And DPS? Barbarian - unreal hero dps when needed for bosses Builders: Monk - aura's became mandatory to deal with DEW's and Ogres extreme speed in late survival waves.
Summoners - minions were overpowered, added double the du to each map. Huntress - gas traps, only viable way to deal with sharken and djinn in NM. Countess - last true tower builder left, squeeze a few poons on a map for extra dps.
Grumbles 0. Posted February 4, For me, I just LOVED playing as the Summoner, his design, his gameplay, everything about him, or it as it may be was just perfect in my eyes. He brought an immense amount of help to group of heroes, mainly for the reason of not using defense units, as well as having a mobile group of minions that you could re-position depending on what was going on, and well, not sure about anyone else but the idea of being an omnipotent crystalline being from another dimension that has a legion of crystal creatures at his command is quite amazing.
Corrin View Profile View Posts. Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 29 Dec, pm. Posts: 4. Discussions Rules and Guidelines. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, fighting, or rude posts. All rights reserved. Here are what I consider to be the most important first specialist characters:Active Character — Boost Monk This is an extremely useful character, especially on maps where you can leverage a big stack of DSTs sitting on an overclock beam.
The main purpose is to boost a tower stack, though. StatsSkill increases potency of your tower boost skill. Vitality You need this on a DPS hero otherwise you will spend all of your time just trying to survive. Agility You need this stat total to be a total of from gear or points to reach max speed, more than does nothing. StatsPower: All points here, all gear upgrades here. All stats are good for the overclock beam, but power will make the most difference.
At this point, I would recommend you work on leveling towards 90 to unlock the ability to wear the best gear. You must be logged in to post a comment. Contents 1 Best Starting Characters Guide 1. I dont recomment summoner as a starting class, he summons minions, but they sometimes dont what what you tell them to and you have to constantly babysit them.
Series EV "draws" her "towers". They are all straight lines of variable length. She has a very strong wall, a line that buffs all other towers standing on it, a wall that refelcts all ranged projectile and some damage lines. The damage towers are a bit hard to use for beginners. Your goal is to set up defenses in a way that you need as few walls as possible to defend all your cores from all exits. The better you are at it, the more towers you can build behind the walls and the more towers you have behind the walls, the more stable your defense is.
Dont be one of those guys that just wants as many kills as possible and is setting his stuff right in front of the entrances when they could be a bit more in the back and cover 2 entrances at once. Its hard to lose on normal, even without proper building, but its better to learn it early than to suck at it in later difficulties. Thank you all for the response, I will look into it and pick my favorite class from the descriptions : Edit: Since I only played monk so far I barely placed towers.
Thank you very much for your input all, will decide what to play next :. Last edited by Horizon ; 25 Jul, am. Originally posted by Possi :. Originally posted by Airetam :.