This ongoing debate diminishes the view of cheerleaders everywhere. Ask any college cheerleader, and they will tell you that standing on the sidelines waving their pompoms and cheering their team to a victory is not a sport.
However, the competitive cheerleading should be respected as a sport. Tagged as: cheelreading is a sport , cheerleading , featured , sports.
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In Ronda Rousey was arguably the greatest women in combat sports. Ronda Rousey will still be successful entertainer because of her Judo, Mixed Martial Arts and acting. Cheerleading isnt a sport but people are working really hard for other people to accept it as a sport.
Cheerleading is an activity where you make a routine and perform it for points, and even win awards at competitions. When you perform you are against many teams in your division. Cheerleaders take a lot of time to train and prepare for the competition, also cheerleading is more physically demanding than other sports, lastly cheerleading meets all the requirements to be a sport.
Overall cheerleading should be considered a sport. Cheerleading should be considered a sport because …show more content… Cheerleaders have competitions which they physically work together to perform and compete to win awards.
Also cheerleaders don 't get points by scoring a touchdown or making a basket, but they get points by performing a perfect routine, like other sports. Lastly cheerleaders have rules to follow just like football does, like no going off the mat just like football players can 't go off the field. Certainly cheerleading is different then other sports but many things relate to each other.
To conclude, The rules and competitions make cheerleading one of a kind but that doesnt mean it can 't be a. Show More. Along with cheering on the sidelines at games, most cheerleading squads participate in heated competitions to show their athleticism. Although it is not officially defined as a sport by the NCAA or high school associations, it obviously should be for many different reasons.
Cheerleading definitely fulfills this criteria maybe even better than other activities commonly called sports. So let's compare aspects of cheering and compare them to the definition that dictionary. The first part of the definition was "an athletic activity requiring skill or prowess". I don't know how many of you had actually paid attention to the cheerleaders besides just looking at them based off their looks, but their formations, flips, tumbles and tosses are kind of difficult to pull off.
I don't know if you and one of your friends have ever tried to chuck a hundred pound or more person in the air and catch him or her before, but it doesn't seem very easy to me. On to the next part, "requiring skill or prowess. This is pretty straight forward. The basic purpose of a cheerleader is to either spur on competitiveness or to express it themselves.